Single Use Backflush Needle

Single Use Backflush Needle

Single Use Backflush Needle L’aiguille back-flush permet l’aspirationpassive ou active du liquide résiduel parcapillarité. The back-flush needle allows the passiveor active aspiration of the residual liquidby capillarity. Chaque back flush active / passive est...
Single Use Silicone Ring

Single Use Silicone Ring

Single Use Silicone Ring Plano anterior surface affords a 36-degree field of view of the central posterior pole and vitreous in phakic and pseudophakic eyes. This lens is ideal for photography. Wide Field Lens – PMMA with Silicone RingConcave anterior surface...
Single Use- Iris Retractor

Single Use- Iris Retractor

Single Use- Iris Retractor The iris retractor is a single-use device allowing mechanical dilatation of the pupil during surgery. The use of this device is not limited to chronic myosis, it includes any other cases involving constriction of the pupil. The device...
Single Use Tonometer Prism

Single Use Tonometer Prism

Single Use Tonometer Prism SafeEliminates the risk of cross-infection between patients and protects them against cross-infection ofdiseases transmitted through the tear film. Ease of useTonoclean prisms are sterile, individually wrapped, allowing mounting without...

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